ActronAir Air Conditioning
ActronAir are Australia’s largest locally owned air conditioning manufacturer, and have been providing heating and cooling solutions to homes and businesses in Perth, WA, and nationwide since 1984.

ActronAir offers a wide range of award winning, energy efficient products, including split systems, multi split systems, cassette systems, ducted air conditioning systems and packaged air conditioner systems. As a proudly Australian company, ActronAir are recognised for making world-class air conditioners. Well, it stands to reason. The team at ActronAir experience our harsh Australian conditions first hand, and our climate places demands on air conditioning systems not found in other parts of the world. That’s why ActronAir’s engineers have developed advanced air conditioning systems specifically for the unique Australian climate.
And because ActronAir design and manufacture right here in Australia, you’ll never have to call overseas or wait long for service and support. When you call, you’ll speak to someone who’s responsive and knowledgeable, and based near you. It’s why more than a quarter of a million Aussies take comfort in ActronAir.
Why Ford & Doonan for ActronAir?
Here at Ford & Doonan, we have a long history that demonstrates our commitment to bringing Western Australians the very best in air conditioning solutions and technology, to combat our harsh environs. Because of this we are committed to developing long lasting relationships with the best in the industry, such as ActronAir.
ActronAir’s ducted and split systems are premium, energy efficient products, and because ActronAir know that Ford & Doonan only provide high quality, well designed installations, we have access to the full range of award winning ActronAir air conditioning systems. And because we buy directly from ActronAir, we can provide these air conditioning systems at competitive prices.
Benefits of ActronAir Air Conditioners
- ActronAir’s award winning range of ducted air conditioners that deliver market leading energy efficiency – their premium ESP Platinum system can save you up to 75% a year on your power bill when compared to conventional fixed speed technology
- Their wide range of products – ducted air conditioners, split air conditioners, multi split air conditioners, cassette air conditioners, packaged air conditioners – means they have the solution for every lifestyle
- Local service you can count on – ActronAir design and manufacture their systems right here in Australia, with a National Service Network that has parts on the shelves and boots on the ground, ensuring you never have to call far or wait long for service and support
- They’re built for Australia – because ActronAir know Australian conditions, their systems are designed to operate in our unique and harsh climate. For example, most overseas air conditioners only designed with a maximum temperature range of 43°C to 46°C, whereas ActronAir systems come with a superior operating range of up to 50°C, ensuring that when it’s extra hot outside and other systems can struggle and shut down, ActronAir systems keep powering on
- A uniquely deep range of ducted air conditioners – whether you’re looking for fixed speed, digital compressor, or inverter compressor technology, the ActronAir range of ducted air conditioners will have a solution for you